Sunday, 3 July 2011

important green plants contribution to man

Botanical Name — Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Cat.
Names in different languages 
Ati Vish
Ati Vidayam
Ati Vasa
Indian Atees
Ativakhani Kali
Atis, Atvika
Ati Visha
Ati Vidayam

Synonyms— Aruna, Ardrã, Upavisã, Kasäyã Krsnã, Ghuna Vallabhã, Cãndri, Pita Vallabhã, Prati Visa, Bhangurä, Madhya-deasthã, Mahausadha, Mãdri, Mrdvi, Raktã, Visvä, Visamã, Visa,sisubhaisajya, Suka Kandã, Sukla Kandã, Srngikã, Syama Kanda, svetã, Sveta Kanda, sveta  vaca.
Classification according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata
Caraka Samhitã
 Suruta Samhitã :
Astanga Sangraha
Astanga Hrdaya

Lekhaniya, Arsöghna, Tikta skandha, Sirovirecana
Pippalyãdi, Mustãdi, Vacadi
Mustãdi, Vacadi
Mustädi, Vacãdi Pippalyãdi

Carak considered this drug as prativisa, but Susruta considers A.palmatum as prativisa. it described under Lekhaniya, Arsoghna Vargas, Tikta skandha, sirovirecana dravyas ,
    Varieties & adulterants  - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)
1. Cherophyllum violosum [AD]
2. sukla
3. krsna
4. aruna
5. rakta
6. sveta
7. pita – Delphinium denudatum  - [CV]


(i) A. heterophyllum—
Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.
Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.
Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.
Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.
Distribution— commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).

(ii) A. palmatum—Roots, biennial, paired, tuberous; conical or cylindrical 4-10 cm long, 0.75-3 cm thick.Stem erect.Leaves scattered, upto 10, the lowest usually withered at the time of flowering, glabrous, or the upper most finely pubescent on the nerves below; petiole slender 4-10 cm long; blade orbicular-cordate to reniform , 3-lobed.Inflorescence a very loose, leafy panicle or raceme, 10-20 cm long. Sepals bluish or variegated white and blue, uppermost helmet-shaped. Carpels 5, sub contagious in the flower.Follicles sub contagious or some what diverging in the upper part, oblong, obliquely truncate, 2.5-3 cm long and 5-6 mm broad.Seeds blackish, ovoid, about 3 mm long, round in Cross section. 
Chemical Constituents—
(i) A. heterophyllum—
Atidine , hetisine, heteratisine ,Diterpene alkaloids , heterophylline, heterophylline ,heterophyllidine heterophyllisine, hetidine, atidine & ,Atisenol, a new entatisene diterpenoid lactone from roots.     
F-dishydrçatisine, hetidine, hetisinone, heteratisine, hetisine, benzylleteratisine, beta —sitosterol, carotene and 3— isoatisine from rhizomes
(ii) A. palmatum—non-toxic alkaloid has been isolated from A. palmatum
Distribution & Habitat
Maharashtra & Himalayas 
Rasa - Katu, Tikta
Guna -Laghu, Ruksha
Virya -Ushna
Vipaka -Katu

Karma - Dipana, Päcana, Grãhi, Tridosahara, otha hara, Viaghna, Krmihara, Aroghna, Jvara hara, Kasa hara Prabhãva- Visa hara
External uses
  The crushed eaves, mixed with saindhav are applied focally. The seeds crushed in honey are applied locally on throat, in tonsillitis. Nasal insufflations of roots is beneficial in headache (especially migraine).
Internal uses 
Respiratory system : The juice of roots along with milk is an expectorant Root powder is given orally in cervical lymphadenitis. 
Digestive system : Seed and root are used in ascites. Seeds are laxative. 
Urinary system : The seeds are diuretic, the root decoction reduces burning of urinary tract. It increases volume of urine,
Reproductive system : Root is used in sperrnatorrhoea. The decoction of roots is also used in burning of vagina. 
Circulatory system : The juice of leaves along with juice of zingier reduce perspiration.
Toxic effects—
Over dosage (More than 5-6g) produces symptoms like dryness of mouth, tremors etc.
 Pretreatment of A. palmatum root in cow’s milk and urine reduced the cardio-toxicity (Singh L.B. et al., 1985).
: Tridoshaghna.
Dhatu : Majja (brain tonic), rakta. shukra. meda:
Mala : Mutra (diuretic). purisha (laxative). sweda.
Part Used—

The tuberous root is medicinally used both alone and in combination. Yogaratnakara mentioned that Haritaki may be used as the substitute for Ativisã.
Dosage—Root powder l-3g per day (divided doses)
Atisãra, Jwara, Kãsa, Bãla röga. Visa röga, Ama dosa, Chardi, Krimi roga, Agnimãndya, Rakta pitta, Yakrd roga, Trsnã, Pinasa, Ara, Pittodara etc.

Important research work going on

1.contractions of frog rectus abdominis induced by acetylcholine. Clinical Studies

2. diarrhoeal disorders

3. hypolipidemic effect

Therapcutic Uses—
(1)Balaröga— Ativisã alone or along with Karkaangi  and Pippali in case of cough and fever (A.H.Ut.2/57 V.M.66/10)’.

(2) Atisära— Ativisã + Bhanga + Vacã as powder

(3) Jvaratisara— sunthi, Kutaja, Mustã, guduçi & Ativisã are given orally in the form of decoction .

(4) Grahani— The decoction made of Ativiã, sunthi Mustã is administered orally to destroy the Ama (C.S.Ci.15/98)3.

(5) Mutra krçchra— Ativisã, Amla dravyas, Sunthi, Goksura, Kantakari are made as Peyã (gruel) and given along with Phãnita (jaggery syrup)- (C.S.Su. 2/22).

(6) Visa roga— A ghee prepared with Ativisã and cow’s milk is used orally or as nasal drops in case of acute poisoning. The ghee may also be processed with Sveta  and Madayantikã (S.S.Ka.1/64)
(7) Musika Visa— Ativisã root is made into paste by grinding with honey and administered orally (S.S.Ka. 7/39)’.

(8) Vrana— syonãka , Prativisã, Kantakãri müla are made into paste and applied over the wounds (A.H. Ut. 35/47)2.

(9) Kuksi roga /Udara rogas- 1 part Ativisa + 3 parts Añkola, administered orally with    rice water (Tandulodaka)


Botanical Name— Mesua ferrea Linn.
Synonyms— Ahi Puspa, Ibha, Kanakãhva, Kañcanãhvaya, Kiñijilkam, Kesaram, Cãmpeyam, Natam, Nagam, Naga Kiñjilkam, Naga Puspam, Naga renuka, PaficabhUvayam, Piñjaram,Phani pannagam, Rukmam, Suvarnam, Hema pusam.
Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Susruta Samhita Elãdi, Vacãdi, Anjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas
Caraka Samhita

Astanga Sangraha EIädi, Vacädi, Anjanadi, Priyangvadi ganas
Asanga Hdaya Elãdi, Vacãdi, Añjanãdi, Priyangvadi ganas

Names in different languages


Marathi  Punjabi


Iron-wood of Assam, ceylon Iron
Naghas, Nogkesar
Kanchana, Nagasampige
Nagachempakam, veluttachempakam
NagachampaNaga kesar
Irul, Karunangu
Naga kesarãlu


Mesua ferrea Linn—It is a medium sized tree; bark ash-coloured.
Leaves- 8- 12 by 3-4 cm. oblong-lanceolate, acute acuminate, glabrous above and glaucous beneath, petioles 6-8 mm. long. Flowers- white coloured, 2-2.5cm. deameter, axillary or terminal, stamens are numerous, golden-yellow coloured.Fruit- 2.5-3 cm. long.Ovoiad.seed- 1-4, angular, smooth, chestnut brown in colour.
 Distribution & Habitat-eastern Himalayas, Bengel, Assam, eastern and western ghats and Andaman Islands.
(ii) Ochrotarpus longifolius Benth & Hook f—(tree)
Leaves- thickly coriaceous, 16-20 cm. by 5-6.5 cm., oblong, obtuse, glabrous, petioles 6 mm. long. Flowers- numerous, in short fascicles on tubercles from the axils of fallen leaves, orange red coloured; stamens many, sterile in female flowers
Fruit 2.5 cm. long. obliqualy ovoid, single seed.
 Distribution & Habitat-Along western ghats of Konkan and Malabar area, Tamil nadu.
  Chemical constituents-(i) Mesua ferrea— Mesuol , Mesuaxanthofle B- and euxanthofle 4- a1kylcoumnu0l MammeiSin ,Mamiflegin & mesuol from seed oil (Phytochem. 1971,10,1131). mesuaferrofle glycoside- cyclohaxodione- mesuaferrol, sitosterol. Octadecatriefloic and hexadecanolic acids are present in seed oil
 (ii) Ochrocarpus longifolius— Mammca surgia,Kosterml. 4- alkylated coumarins- Surangin A and B. Squalene, Cycloartenol, campesterol, stigmasterol and bsitosterol. Vitexjn and mesojnositol
Important Yogas or Formations
Kanakasava,catujataka,eladichurna,kesaradi kasayam.
Properties—Rasa Kasäya, Tikta Guna Rüksa,  Tiksna, LaghuVirya - Usna/Anusna Vipaka - Katu
Karma - Kapha- Pittahara Pramãthi, Grãhi, Paean,
Visahara, otha hara, Kandughna, Ku!haghana
Indications-. Raktaras Raktatisãra, Rakta Pradara, Kustha, Visarpa, Jvara, Chardi, Vãta rakta, sopha, Vãta roga, siro roga, Trsnã, Visa roga,
 Clinical Studies
 (1) It found to be useful in female patients suffering from Sveta pradara (vaginal monaliasis).
Important research work going on 
1.Anti fungal activity
2.Anti bacterial activity
 (1) Rakta Aras— Naga kesara cürna (2-3gm) shall be administered orally along with butter and sugar (C.S.Ci.14/210)
(2) Hikkã— Nagakesara cürna (2-4gm) is given orally with honey and sugar along with (S.S.Ut.50/24)
(3) Rakta Pradara— Nagakesara cürna is to orally administered while consuming plenty or butter-milk daily
(4) Sveta Pradara— Naga kesara is soaked in the buttermilk and administered orally for 3 days (V. S. & Y. R.)
(5) Rakta Atisãra— Nãga kesara cUrna with sugar (V. S.)5.
(6) Pumsavana— The lady who wants to have a female child should consume Nagakesara along with ghee (5gm dose daily) during the period of ovulation (Rtu kãla)- (R. M.)
(7) GarbhaStapana Powders of Naga kesara and Püga (beetle nut) are mixed together and given orally (Va.Se.)

Botanical Name — Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Cat.
Names in different languages 
Ati Vish
Ati Vidayam
Ati Vasa
Indian Atees
Ativakhani Kali
Atis, Atvika
Ati Visha
Ati Vidayam

Synonyms— Aruna, Ardrã, Upavisã, Kasäyã Krsnã, Ghuna Vallabhã, Cãndri, Pita Vallabhã, Prati Visa, Bhangurä, Madhya-deasthã, Mahausadha, Mãdri, Mrdvi, Raktã, Visvä, Visamã, Visa,sisubhaisajya, Suka Kandã, Sukla Kandã, Srngikã, Syama Kanda, svetã, Sveta Kanda, sveta  vaca.
Classification according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata
Caraka Samhitã
 Suruta Samhitã :
Astanga Sangraha

Astanga Hrdaya

Lekhaniya, Arsöghna, Tikta skandha, Sirovirecana
Pippalyãdi, Mustãdi, Vacadi
Mustãdi, Vacadi
Mustädi, Vacãdi Pippalyãdi

Introduction—   Carak considered this drug as prativisa, but Susruta considers A.palmatum as prativisa. it described under Lekhaniya, Arsoghna Vargas, Tikta skandha, sirovirecana dravyas ,
Varieties & adulterants  - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)

1. Cherophyllum violosum [AD]
2. sukla
3. krsna
4. aruna
5. rakta
6. sveta
7. pita – Delphinium denudatum  - [CV]

(i) A. heterophyllum—
Roots biennial, paired, tuberous; whitish or grey. Stem erect, simple or branched, from 15-20 cm high. glabrous below, finely crispo-pubescent in the upper part.
Leaves heteromorphous, glabrous: lowest on long petioles (13cm); blade orbicular- cordate or ovate-cordate in outline with a usually narrow sinus (1-1.5 cm deep); usually 5- lobed to the middle, amplexicaul.
Inflorescence slender raceme or a lax, leafy panicle, crispo-pubescent; Sepals bluish or violet (rarely whitish); navicular obliquely erect, shortly or obscurely beaked, 18-20 mm high, 8-9 mm wide. Carpels 5, elliptic-oblong. Follicles contagious, linear-oblong, straight, 16-18 mm long.
Seeds pyramidal, 3-4 mm long, blackish brown.
Distribution— commonly found in sub-alpine and alpine zones Himalayas from Indus to Kumaon at 2000-5000 m (6000-16000 ft.).

(ii) A. palmatum— Roots, biennial, paired, tuberous; conical or cylindrical 4-10 cm long, 0.75-3 cm thick.
Stem erect.-Leaves scattered, upto 10, the lowest usually withered at the time of flowering, glabrous, or the upper most finely pubescent on the nerves below; petiole slender 4-10 cm long; blade orbicular-cordate to reniform , 3-lobed.
Inflorescence a very loose, leafy panicle or raceme, 10-20 cm long. Sepals bluish or variegated white and blue, uppermost helmet-shaped. Carpels 5, sub contagious in the flower.
Follicles sub contagious or some what diverging in the upper part, oblong, obliquely truncate, 2.5-3 cm long and 5-6 mm broad.
Seeds blackish, ovoid, about 3 mm long, round in Cross section.
 Chemical Constituents—
(i) A. heterophyllum—
Atidine , hetisine, heteratisine ,Diterpene alkaloids , heterophylline, heterophylline ,heterophyllidine heterophyllisine, hetidine, atidine & ,Atisenol, a new entatisene diterpenoid lactone from roots.     
F-dishydrçatisine, hetidine, hetisinone, heteratisine, hetisine, benzylleteratisine, beta —sitosterol, carotene and 3— isoatisine from rhizomes

(ii) A. palmatum—non-toxic alkaloid has been isolated from A. palmatum
Distribution & Habitat
Maharashtra & Himalayas
Rasa - Katu, Tikta
Guna -Laghu, Ruksha
Virya -Ushna
Vipaka -Katu

Karma - Dipana, Päcana, Grãhi, Tridosahara, otha hara, Viaghna, Krmihara, Aroghna, Jvara hara, Kasa hara
,Prabhãva- Visa hara

External uses
  The crushed eaves, mixed with saindhav are applied focally. The seeds crushed in honey are applied locally on throat, in tonsillitis. Nasal insufflations of roots is beneficial in headache (especially migraine).
 Internal uses
 Respiratory system 
: The juice of roots along with milk is an expectorant Root powder is given orally in cervical lymphadenitis.
 Digestive system : Seed and root are used in ascites. Seeds are laxative.
 Urinary system : The seeds are diuretic, the root decoction reduces burning of urinary tract. It increases volume of urine,
Reproductive system : Root is used in sperrnatorrhoea. The decoction of roots is also used in burning of vagina.
 Circulatory system : The juice of leaves along with juice of zingier reduce perspiration.
 Toxic effects—
Over dosage (More than 5-6g) produces symptoms like dryness of mouth, tremors etc.
 Pretreatment of A. palmatum root in cow’s milk and urine reduced the cardio-toxicity (Singh L.B. et al., 1985).
: Tridoshaghna.
Dhatu : Majja (brain tonic), rakta. shukra. meda:
Mala : Mutra (diuretic). purisha (laxative). sweda.
 Part Used—The tuberous root is medicinally used both alone and in combination. Yogaratnakara mentioned that Haritaki may be used as the substitute for Ativisã.
 Dosage—Root powder l-3g per day (divided doses)
 Indications—Atisãra, Jwara, Kãsa, Bãla röga. Visa röga, Ama dosa, Chardi, Krimi roga, Agnimãndya, Rakta pitta, Yakrd roga, Trsnã, Pinasa, Ara, Pittodara etc.
 Important research work going on
1. contractions of frog rectus abdominis induced by acetylcholine.
Clinical Studies
2. diarrhoeal disorders
3. hypolipidemic effect
 Therapcutic Uses—
(1) Bala röga— Ativisã alone or along with Karkaangi
and Pippali in case of cough and fever (A.H.Ut.2/57 V.M.66/10)’.
(2) Atisära— Ativisã + Bhanga + Vacã as powder
(3) Jvaratisara— sunthi, Kutaja, Mustã, guduçi & Ativisã are
given orally in the form of decoction .
(4) Grahani— The decoction made of Ativiã, sunthi Mustã is administered orally to destroy the Ama (C.S.Ci.15/98)3.
(5) Mutra krçchra— Ativisã, Amla dravyas, Sunthi, Goksura, Kantakari are made as Peyã (gruel) and given along with Phãnita (jaggery syrup)- (C.S.Su. 2/22).
(6) Visa roga— A ghee prepared with Ativisã and cow’s milk is used orally or as nasal drops in case of acute poisoning. The ghee may also be processed with Sveta  and Madayantikã (S.S.Ka.1/64)
(7) Musika Visa— Ativisã root is made into paste by grinding with honey and administered orally (S.S.Ka. 7/39)’.
(8) Vrana— syonãka , Prativisã, Kantakãri müla are made into paste and applied over the wounds (A.H. Ut. 35/47)2.
 (9) Kuksi roga /Udara rogas- 1 part Ativisa + 3 parts Añkola, administered orally with    rice water (Tandulodaka)
Botanical Name— Cissampelos parieta Linn. (North India)
Cyclea peltata (south India )
Cyclea peltata
 Cissampelos pariera
 Names in different languageHindi- Padhi, Padha; Telugu- Chiruboddi; Kannada. Padavali; Tamil-Appatta; Malayalam. Kattuvalli; Gujarati- Venivel; Bengali-Akanadi; Marathi- Padavela 
Synonyms— Ambasthã, Pãpacelika, Präcinã, Varatiktã, Aviddha karni, Piluphalã, Kucelikã, Ekãsthilã.

Classification according to Caraka, Susruta & Vagbhata
Caraka -Sandhãniya, Jvarahara, Stanyaödhana
Susruta - Mustãdi, Aragvadhadi, Pippalyadi, Ambasthadi, Brhatyadi, Patolädi
Vägbhata - Mustadi, Aragvadhadi, Ambasthdi, Patolädi, Vatsakãdi,
 It is one of the best brain tonic used in Ayurveda along with other drugs. In the Vedic literature Pãthã is described as ‘Pãtã’
 Cissampelos pariera
Varieties & adulterants  - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) 
1. Cyclea peltata  - [AD]
2. C. burmani - [AD]
3. Stemphania hernandifolia - [AD]
4. Rivea hypocrateriformins - [AD]
 5. R. ornata. - [AD]
6. Raja patha - Cyclea peltata
7.  laghu patha -  Cissampelos pariera
 C. pareira- It is a climbing shrub; branches pubescent.
Leaves- peltate, 3.8-10 cm diametre.
Flowers- minute, yellowish. Male flowers in axillary cymes, peduncle 18mm long. Sepals 4, hairy, obovate- oblong. Petals combined into a cyathiform corolla, half the length of the sepals. Filaments longer than Corolla. Female flowers in elongate, solitary or twin, axillary racemes; pedicles very short; bracts foliaceous or nearly sessile, orbicular or reniform. Sepal 1, ovate-oblong. Petal 1, sub rotund.
Fruit drupe, subglobose, hairy, red, endocarp transversely ridged. Distribution- Found throughout tropical & subtropical India.
C. peltata- It is a climber, Leaves- peltate, hairy,
Flowers- very small. Male flowers in panicles, very long.
Fruit- drupe. reniform.
 Note— The species of this plant are easily distinguished by the cup-shaped calyx and corolla. Cissampelos has the corolla alone cup-shaped.
Distribution & Habitat
All over India
 Cyclea peltata
 chemical constituents
 C. pariera- Hayatin (dl-becberine), hayatinin, menismine, cissamine, pareirine, cycleanine,bebeerine, hayatidin, (+) quercitol etc.
C. peltata- Fangchinoline, cycleapeltine, cycleadrine,cycleacurine, cycleanorine, cycleahomine chloride, chondocurine, magnoflorine,isotetradrine, perpamine, cycleamine, burmannaline etc.
 Cyclea peltata
Properties—Rasa-TiktaVirya-UsnaVipäka-KatuGuna.-Laghu, TiksnaKarma-Vata-Kaphahara,Visaghna, Grãhi, Balya
 Cyclea peltata
External uses Being wound healer. antidote and Kushthaghna, paste of leaves and root is used in purities, skin disorders and snake poison. Juice or powdered roots are used as a nasya.
Internal uses 
Digestivsystem : Being an appetizer, digestive, laxative, astringent and anthelniintic, it is useful in anorexia. indigestion,abdominal pain, diarrhoea and dysentery.
 Circulatory system : It is a blood purifier and has anti-inflammatory properly, so it is used in blood disorders, heart disorders and inflammation.
Respiratory system Being an expectorant, is is used in cough and dyspnoea.
Reproductive system Since it purifies breast milk it is used in various disorders ot breast milk secretion.
Urinary system :  diuretic, hence useful in  dysuria and haematuria.  Skin : Kushthaghna, Useful in skin disorders.
 Temperature : Being febrifuge and refrigerant, it is used in jwara. fever related diarrhoea and burning disorders.
 Satmikaran : Antidote and tonic - bitter tonic.
Excretion : This drug is excreted through urine.
Alleviates vata, kapha. alleviates all three doshas.
Dhatn : Rasa, rakta, stanyagami.
Mala : Purisha (astringent), mutsamargagami (excretion through urine)
Part Used—Root
Dosage— Powder l-3g; decoction 50-lOOml.
Indications.- Atisãra, Chardi, üla, Jvara, Kustha, Kandü, Krmi, Hrdroa, Gulma, Yöni röga.
Important Yogas or Formations
Pusyanuga curna,saddharana yoga.
 Therapeutic Uses—
(1) ArthaVabhedaka - Root juice of Pãtha shall be used as Naya (G.N.)
(2) Lavanameha— Decoction of Pãthã and Aguru is useful (S.S.Ci. 11)
(3) Arsas— Pãthã is taken with butter-milk (A.H.Ci.8)

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